PwC Building Photo by Simone Hutsch on Unsplash


Learning Lab


Learning Lab helps people reach their potential faster and smarter. It is a personalised online learning solution that delivers training tailored for each individual, to develop their long term skills and change behaviours.


  • iOS Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • PwC Product Manager & Learning SME
  • x2 PwC Stakeholders
  • Lead UX / Gamification SME (Me)
  • Project Manager
  • Product Manager

What we did

Working with thought leaders at PwC, we took the greatest obstacle to long-term retention of skills and knowledge head-on: the forgetting curve. We designed scientifically-proven learning techniques into a technology solution, delivering a personalised learning experience, that builds long-term skills and changes behaviours.

Taking inspiration from the work of Piotr Wozniak on 'the economics of learning', we built an algorithm of 'scheduled reinforcement', that predicts the future state of an individual's memory, and then schedules learning reviews at optimal moments. This maximises understanding and retention of new training materials, overcomes the need for relearning and frees up time and space to apply new skills and knowledge.

image of the iOS app and web app
Background photo by Mikita Yo on Unsplash


With Learning Lab, we were able to play to our strengths of positive' behaviour driving' and 'player first' design. In close collaboration with the PwC team, we took advanced learning research. We married it with our motivation and engagement mechanics, to create a product which offers a world-beating teaching experience and puts less reliance on physical trainers.